15-Minute Yoga: A Deep Full-Body Stretch for Relaxation

Sometimes the body craves a deeper connection, a way to release tension, stretch tired muscles, and relax the mind. This 15-minute yoga sequence is designed to do just that. Whether you’re looking to unwind at the end of a long day or simply take a pause to reconnect with yourself, this practice will leave you feeling rejuvenated and at ease.

This session invites you to use props like pillows, bolsters, or yoga blocks for support, making the poses accessible for any body type or flexibility level.

Starting Grounded: Wide-Legged Child’s Pose
Begin in a wide-legged Child’s Pose, with your knees as wide as feels comfortable. Reach your arms forward or thread one arm underneath the other for a gentle shoulder stretch. Rest your forehead on the mat, a pillow, or a block, and allow your upper body to soften. This pose encourages deep breaths into the back body and sets the tone for relaxation.

Switch sides for the shoulder stretch, and then return to a traditional Child’s Pose. Feel free to modify with props as needed to ensure comfort. Take a few moments to draw your breath into the chest and belly, letting go of tension with each exhale.

Flowing into Movement: Cat-Cow and Organic Exploration
Transition into a tabletop position, with wrists under shoulders and knees under hips. Begin flowing through Cat-Cow stretches, inhaling as you lift your gaze and drop your belly (Cow Pose) and exhaling as you round your spine (Cat Pose). Let your breath guide your movements.

From here, walk your hands slightly forward and explore organic movements. Rock side to side, circle your hips, or gently sway, letting your body guide you to areas of tightness that need attention.

Backbends and Downward Dog: Opening the Front Body
Lower to your belly for Cobra Pose, lifting through the sternum with elbows slightly bent. Soften your shoulders and gently rock side to side, gazing over one shoulder and then the other. This subtle backbend stretches the front body while engaging the spine safely.

On your next exhale, tuck your toes and press up into Downward-Facing Dog. Walk out your legs, bending one knee and then the other. Let your head hang heavy, releasing any tension in the neck, and ground your hands into the mat for stability.

Pigeon Pose: Deep Hip Release
From Downward Dog, lift one leg and guide your knee and ankle to the top of the mat for Pigeon Pose. Use pillows or blocks under your hips for support if needed. Stay upright to deepen the hip stretch or fold forward, resting your forehead on your arms or a prop. Breathe deeply, allowing the hips to soften with each exhale.

Switch sides, repeating the pose on the opposite leg. Take your time to settle into the stretch and let go of any lingering tightness or resistance.

Toe Sit: A Stretch for the Feet and Toes
Return to a kneeling position and tuck your toes under, sitting your hips back onto your heels. This pose can feel intense, so feel free to lean forward or lift your hips if needed. Over time, this stretch improves flexibility and strength in the feet. Breathe deeply and sit tall, then release and shake out your toes.

Seated Twists: Spinal Mobility
Come to a seated position and place one heel beside the opposite hip, with the other foot on the inside or outside of the opposite knee. Inhale to sit tall, and exhale as you twist, bringing your elbow to the outside of the knee and placing your hand behind you for support. With each inhale, lengthen your spine; with each exhale, soften into the twist.

Switch sides, repeating the twist on the opposite leg. These gentle spinal rotations release tension and create space in the back.

Closing Stretches and Reflection
Return to a comfortable seat and reach your arms overhead on an inhale. Lean to one side for a deep side stretch, then repeat on the other side. Flow through a few more breaths, inhaling as you lift your arms and exhaling as you release them.

Conclude by bringing your hands to heart center, expressing gratitude for your practice and your body. Take a moment to feel grounded and at peace.

Why This Sequence Works
This 15-minute yoga flow is a holistic practice, combining gentle movements, deep stretches, and mindful breathing to release tension and foster relaxation. Each pose is thoughtfully designed to address common areas of stiffness while promoting physical and mental well-being. Whether you’re an experienced yogi or a beginner, this sequence offers something for everyone.

Join the Practice
For a guided experience, watch the video here: 15 Min Yoga FULL BODY STRETCH & Deep Relaxation. Dedicate these 15 minutes to yourself, and let this practice be your moment of calm and clarity.